

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Welcome to the pre-season!

"Seb Stephenson here. It has been just over a week since Governor Tobias Perkins granted the DGB their long-awaited sporting franchise for Sector J29M1, and since then the talk on all the local hubs has been of only one thing: DreadBall. The inaugural season of what people are already calling COGS DreadBall League begins with the new solar cycle, and we at COGSNET are ready to cover every rush, every strike, and of course every bone-crunching slam. I am joined at the arena, as ever, by the lovely Jennis Hillsworthy. Jen?"

"Thanks Seb. Of course it wouldn't be Dreadball without a few fatalities, and this season promises to be no exception. Although league officials have stated that up-to-date rulings will be scrupulously enforced, we have learned that local arms giant GORaM (General Ordnance Research and Manufacture) are planning to enter a Marauders team. Not only that, but there have been rumours that a Nameless team may also be taking part. So many heavy Guards in the competition spells carnage, and that is something which has the local fans very excited indeed, as well as raising the ire of the usual human rights campaigners. Jennis Hillsworthy, COGSNET News. Back to the studio."

"Thanks Jen. Viewers can look forward to more news, commentary and analysis in the very near future - watch this space."